Safety Marking

How to keep your industrial workplace safer with line markings

Keeping everyone and everything in the right place is paramount to keeping your staff and the public safe. Our safety marking techniques ensure that you have easily identifiable zones, directional traffic markings, and protective car park furniture to prevent accidents and collisions.

Traffic Flow and Zones

Yellow, red, black, and blue line markings guide movement, designate danger zones, signal work in progress, and organise raw materials. By providing clear pathways, they ensure smooth traffic flow within the facility.

Hazard Identification

Line markings highlight risky areas, promoting caution. Whether it’s a chemical storage zone or a restricted access point, employees and visitors recognise these markings and take necessary precautions.

Efficient Vehicle Movement

Proper markings reduce congestion, ensuring smooth vehicle flow. Especially in busy warehouses or parking lots, well-defined lanes prevent accidents and optimise space utilisation.

Emergency Preparedness

Clear markings aid evacuations during critical situations. When seconds matter, employees can swiftly follow the designated escape routes, enhancing overall safety.

Consistent Communication

High-quality line markings convey essential information. From indicating fire exits to demarcating loading zones, they safeguard workers and maintain compliance with safety policies.

lnvesting in well-executed line markings not only enhances workflow but also prevents accidents, making your industrial workplace safer for everyone involved.

Warehouse and Manufacturing Managers

TLS tailors industrial line marking services to your facility. From safety zones to directional markings, we enhance efficiency and safety within your workspace.

Shopping Centre Owners

In bustling retail environments, safety is critical. Our safety line markings guide shoppers, delineate pedestrian zones, and prevent accidents.

A full range of traffic protection furniture

We are able to supply and install a range of safety furniture such as bollards, wheel stops and other custom signage to assist in the prevention of vehicle accidents in your high traffic areas

Ready to make your workplace or public space safer?

We are always excited to hear about a new project. Don’t hesitate to get in touch today.

Locations we cover

Palmerston North

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